Podcasts & video about expat life
Here you will find links to some of the podcasts and videos about expat life that I have been interviewed for.

The Good Expat Life Practice
In this podcast, you can learn more about my practice and my work to support the international community.
There is an appendix to the podcast about feelings of fear and anxiety as well as how to live well in isolation in relation to the covid-19 crisis. This was recorded in April 2020, but can also be useful for suffers of anxiety and loneliness in general.
The Good Expat Life Practice
In this podcast, I talk about some of the challenges I endured during my last expat experience. I talk about loneliness, how to create meaning, identity crisis, divorce, as well as being a stuck parent struggling financially and how I made repatriation with my children possible.
The Expat Woman Audio Summit 2024
My presentation about identity crisis in expat life.
Online event: Apart Together
In this online event supporting international students during the covid-19 crisis, I give tips and advice on how to look after your mental and emotional health as well as how to remain motivated. Other speakers talk about yoga, breathing exercises, mindfulness and meditation as well as social media.
You will find me as the first speaker (2.20 - 29.30 min) in this online event, Apart Together, from May 2020.