Cancellations, missed sessions, and lateness
Whilst I am sensitive to the fact that an emergency may occur, late cancellation, absenteeism, and lateness reduce my ability to offer you the best possible therapy as well as may reduce my ability to accommodate the scheduling needs of my other clients. As such, I request your full cooperation with the following policy:
Any sessions missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice by a client will have to be paid for in full. The same applies if a client is late in which case the session will not be extended but kept within the time frame for the planned session.
Furthermore, two consecutive absences without advanced notification may result in the cancellation and refund of all your remaining scheduled appointments, as such failures may negatively impact your treatment plan.
In the event that I have to cancel a session, I will aim to rearrange within the same week, but if that is not possible, I will not charge you for the session.